Jun 18, 2021 | Blog, Brain Injury, Case study
At Askham Rehab, we’re passionate about providing professional physiotherapy in Cambridgeshire. This week, we’re delighted to share Herbert’s journey in anticipation of Father’s Day. A Royal Air Force veteran of 12 years, 85-year-old Herbert’s inspiring past...
Mar 1, 2021 | Blog, Brain Injury, Case study
This week, at our rehabilitation centre in Cambridgeshire, we’re delighted to share the inspiring journey of one of our patients, David, who has learned to speak again following a significant brain injury. In light of Brain Injury Awareness Month in March, we...
Dec 2, 2020 | Brain Injury, News, Slowstream, Spinal Injury, Stroke, Trauma
Regardless of how it’s endured, sustaining a neurological injury of any kind often takes its toll on various aspects of our mental and physical health, since it commonly affects the nervous system. A neurological injury typically refers to damage to the brain,...
Jun 5, 2020 | Brain Injury, Case study
“Thanks to the Askham rehab team, we’ve seen a dramatic improvement. We know she’s now back to us again because she started to become more of her cheeky self again.” – Family of Miss J Miss J arrived at Askham Rehab after suffering a severe acquired brain injury...